News > Class News > Sailing through Spring in 1st class

Sailing through Spring in 1st class

We had a very busy Spring term in Diane’s 1st class. We took part in the Innocent ‘Big Grow’ project where we grew cress, peas and spinach. All children took their plants home at the end of March to continue growing them at home. There have been reports of pea plants growing two metres tall! We enjoyed learning about length in Maths and took on the role of a tailor by meauring each other for made to measure clothes! With the crazy Spring weather which included snow and freezing temperatures, we ensured that we continued to provide seeds for visiting birds in our bird feeder which is hanging from our beautiful bird house outside our classroom windows. In art, we created Springtime cherry blossom trees by painting popcorn pink! It was a struggle not to eat any during our lesson!!