News > News > Responsibility


At the end of September, we met as a whole school to celebrate collectively the value of the month, Responsibility.
We spoke about what it meant to be responsible and how it looks inside our classrooms.
John spoke about the class charters in all our classes. John mentioned that the class charter shows us what our responsibilities and rights while in our class. After that, John and the 6th class Rights Ambassadors, Oliwia, Ellie and Noinin, announced who the new 5th class Ambassadors are. Well done to Emily, Jamie-lee and Eliah. You all will be amazing.
We then spoke about the responsibility of the student council – they help with fundraising, listen to suggestions & help to come up with solutions for anything that is brought to student council E.g. mirrors in the bathrooms or different ideas for yard time. We looked at some of the amazing election posters that were displayed around school. The new student council members were then announced. Laura called them each up to the front and they stood on the stage. Each member was introduced to the school and received a round of applause. We can’t wait to see what they will achieve.