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The Bláthú Blaster Smoothie

Bláthú enjoyed talking about smoothies and reading the lovely recipies on the school website. They created their own delicious recipe – give it a go!
Ingredients for 2 smoothies:
1 banana
8 strawberries
16 blackberries
1 mango
1 cup of grapes (mixture of red and green)
1 cup of fresh apple juice
6 dollops of natural yogurt
1. Wash the strawberries, blackberries and grapes, before chopping them and placing them in a large plastic bowl.
2. Chop the banana and add to the bowl.
3. Peel the mango, chop it and add to the bowl.
4. Add the yogurt to the bowl.
5. Blend all of the ingredients together.
6. Add the apple juice and blend.
7. Serve in 2 large glasses and enjoy!